Monday, 30 November 2015

If Only...

If only I could review TV dramas on here!!

Since starting Media A Level, watching TV Dramas have been different. I'm now talking about camera angles, editing, sound and how it affects the characters and me (the audience)

With that, there have been new TV Dramas that were amazing. Performance and plot wise. But now, with a bit of media knowledge, I see how the shot and how framing can also impact how good a TV Drama can be!

BBC have the best Dramas. HANDS DOWN

For example, you have London Spy (BBC Two) which is currently still going on. Fantastic.
River (BBC One) which finished last week. Fantastic.
Doctor Foster (BBC One) finished a month ago, but I can still remember scenes and shots from episodes and how Suranne Jones slays (can I say that? YES) drama shows and how important it is that women should lead more shows and films. 

With all the new and re-occuring dramas this Christmas, My whole December/January blog would be reviews on TV Shows. But I cannot. 


We were planning to film these past 2 weeks, but unfortunately on 15th/16th November, Hurricane Barney struck Enfield and left my garden fenceless.

My feelings expressed through a child on goggle images.

 So, we left it that weekend.

That left it to the weekend just gone (28th &29th). My family realised that we need to get new fence, which means that my group would have to re-shoot the garden scenes or inside shots where you can see the fence out the window again. Nevertheless, I spoke to the group today and they understand so hopefully we can shoot and re-work shots to finish the filming before Christmas.

British Film Institute

On Thursday 19th November, we travelled as a group to Southbank to witness a lecture to help us for our coursework side of Media Studies.

Corin Hardy, the director of The Hallow, was my favourite part of the whole day because we saw an insight as to how much planning is involved. Also, he showed us the first 5 minutes of this film and when they stopped  it, it made me want to go see it because it was so intriguing and the shots were so simple but effective. Definitely the best part of the whole day.
                                                       This is just before we saw Corin 

Overall, this trip was beneficial as it has helped me start thinking about ideas for the titles in our opening. Looking at James Bond's title sequence it was too much I thought for a film like ours but when I saw the opening of The Hallow, I was admired by how simple the shots were and where the titles were put in the frame. That made me start to think about what our shots could be like and how we can fit the titles in. 

Monday, 16 November 2015

Filiming Day 1

 On Saturday, we finally started filming for our 2 Minute Opening.

After sunrise, I thought I would see what our two shot would look like for shooting next week.

Here is our result.

Obviously, there would be no tripod in the way but I realised I was a genius when I thought of this shot a couple weeks ago! However, my struggle to get up on the shed was humorous. 

Here is JB taking a photo of me on the shed, Behind The Scenes.

Here is our "Vlog" of the round up of the day. 

Saturday, 14 November 2015


Here is our Gogglebox! We gave it our best shot and it really did help me with learning how camera angles, mise-en-scene, sound and editing reflect gender in a TV Drama


Unfortunately due to copyright (I think) our voices have been changed and I feel like that is what I would sound like if I was a man. I did not like that. It was a shame because the clip JB provided had such good detail to talk about!

Finally, better speaking voices! Personally I found it hard to talk about at the start but as we got into it, I found it easier and it has really helped me with learning the terms and how to incorporate it into gender or whatever the exam paper will ask

I did enjoy this clip, and there was a lot to talk about and I do highly recommend this series


How would react to seeing someone in the back of your garden?

Would You
or be Silent?

Here are our results

Scream - 3

Swear - 6

Silence - 9

Additional Notes
Some people did say they would swear and then run away.
One said that they would do the typical "Scream" scream.
A couple of people said they would tense up and stand there frozen.

In the end, I have found from my results that the vulnerable person should be silent and hopefully clutch their coffee as she turn around too see the rest of the garden.  Personally, I think she should be silent as this opening is so open that any little detail will effect the audience and Jodie with or without sound.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Too Scream or Not Too Scream

JB and I had a discussion with Miss Foster whether or not Jodie should scream or not at the end of the opening 2 minutes.
As we have been in this media class for a while now, and looking at previous work and Film/TV clips, it will be unlikely that Jodie will scream but instead may jump, hence dropping the coffee.

Furthermore, we also realised that if she was too scream, it may be a typical Drew Barrymore scream in the film "Scream"

So, we decided to stay away from that and have no dialogue apart from a gasp or clutching her coffee for dear life. 

Shooting Schedule


6:15 - 6:30  : Cast arrive
6:30 - 6:40  : Discuss last minute camera shots
6:40 - 7:10  : Indoor Shots
7:15  : Estimated Sunrise. First P.O.V Shot from figure
7:30  : Outdoor shots.
8:00  : Two Shot, revealing the figure

Storyboarding for Our Opening 2 Minutes

Our artist Jodie, finally created the storyboard to help us now go and film, to help us give an idea of what each shot will look like and the duration of each shot.

Some of this involves props, so the other girls will be going to get the white mugs soon as we start filming this Saturday (14th November)

Sound for Opening 2 Minutes

We have a few ideas for our sound.
Although, there will be no non-diegetic sound until the very last seconds when the figure is spotted by the vulnerable character: Jodie.
Also, we wanted some sharp, crescendo sound that makes people jump when they scene is coming to an end.

We have a few clips that give us that "OMG" jump.

The sites we have used are:


Ofelia's Dream
Phantom of Space   (start at 30 seconds)
Urban Gaintlet        (0-6 seconds)
The Endless            (start at 0 seconds)

When we edit the opening 2 minutes, hopefully each clip can bring something different and make our decision even harder!

Monday, 2 November 2015

Coursework Idea Updated

Group Vlog: From our first pitch idea, we have expanded on our ideas by starting our storyboard! 
Here is us talking about our opening 2 minutes. 

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Filming Location

The quality isn't the greatest but I tried to take them at a time where we would realistically film the opening 2 minutes. However, I took these at 17:30, we would film it early morning. I hope these pictures help my group with the storyboard this week so we can start filming before Christmas! Although, I hope the idea can fit the setting and we can get the right people to act in this.


We decided to film in my house because it fits the atmosphere of the vulnerable woman and the figure in the garden.

*Please excuse the messy house and football kits on the washing line*

In need of someone tall to be this figure, my brother Billy was the only person I could think of. I have asked him if he wants to be in it but I had to negotiate unfortunately. Nevertheless, he knows that their will be no dialogue which is great because his voice isn't the scary. Furthermore, I knew my mum wouldn't want to be filmed but my sister said she can come back from University to film anytime we ask. Hopefully her bed hair will make her acting skills more realistic!
Finally, I'm not sure if this counts but my dog will finally have his acting debut! hopefully he'll do as we ask and he can behave! 

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Research and Questionnaires

1. Gender? Female
2. Age? 16
3. What is your favourite genre of film and why? Romantic Comedy because I like the happy endings
4. What's your favourite film from the genre you have chosen and why? Friends with Benefits because it's funny and realistic in the way love can be seen.
5. What conventions do you look for in a film? Good looking people
6. Do posters and advertisements of a film influence whether you would go and watch it?
7. What age certificate do you watch the most?
8. Does the actor / actress influence the films that you watch? Yes
9. What film genre do you avoid the most and why? Horror - I don't like being scared.
10. How important is the first 10 minutes of a film to you? Very
11. What do you think is the most effective way to advertise a film? Social Media
12. Are there any films that you can think of that have a memorable opening scene? Pixels
13. What are you opinions on female protagonists. Love them - Go Jennifer Lawrence!

1. Gender? Male
2. Age? 15
3. What is your favourite genre of film and why? Sci-fi / Action - it visually appealing
4. What's your favourite film from the genre you have chosen and why? Guardians of the Galaxy - it has the best elements of Sci-fi and takes other elements from other genre into a uplifting film
5. What conventions do you look for in a film? The ability to a long lasting impression on me
6. Do posters and advertisements of a film influence whether you would go and watch it?
7. What age certificate do you watch the most?
8. Does the actor / actress influence the films that you watch? No
9. What film genre do you avoid the most and why? Rom - Com because they have very cheesy and have not evolved in time
10. How important is the first 10 minutes of a film to you? Very
11. What do you think is the most effective way to advertise a film? Trailer
12. Are there any films that you can think of that have a memorable opening scene? Scream
13. What are you opinions on female protagonists. They are very important.

1. Gender? Female
2. Age? 17
3. What is your favourite genre of film and why? Comedy / Action - I like to laugh / it's exciting.
4. What's your favourite film from the genre you have chosen and why? Grown Ups - it's relatable and makes me laugh a lot / Taken - it's enticing and leaves suspense.
5. What conventions do you look for in a film? If it makes me laugh
6. Do posters and advertisements of a film influence whether you would go and watch it?
7. What age certificate do you watch the most?
8. Does the actor / actress influence the films that you watch? Yes
9. What film genre do you avoid the most and why? Romance - it's cringe and "have no heart"
10. How important is the first 10 minutes of a film to you? Extremely important
11. What do you think is the most effective way to advertise a film? Trailer (on TV)
12. Are there any films that you can think of that have a memorable opening scene? Non-stop
13. What are you opinions on female protagonists. Great! GIRL POWER!

1. Gender? Female
2. Age? 50
3. What is your favourite genre of film and why? Comedy - it makes me laugh and cheers me up
4. What's your favourite film from the genre you have chosen and why? Just Go With It - because no matter how many times I have seen it, it'll always make me laugh!
5. What conventions do you look for in a film? Good acting and a good storyline
6. Do posters and advertisements of a film influence whether you would go and watch it?
7. What age certificate do you watch the most?
8. Does the actor / actress influence the films that you watch? Yes
9. What film genre do you avoid the most and why? Horror - I'm too jumpy now so I don't think I'll be able to cope.
10. How important is the first 10 minutes of a film to you? No necessarily because some films needs to grow and develop
11. What do you think is the most effective way to advertise a film? Trailers or Talk Shows
12. Are there any films that you can think of that have a memorable opening scene? Well I haven't actually seen it but everyone says Saving Private Ryan (she has seen the rest of the film but always misses the first 10 minutes)
13. What are you opinions on female protagonists. No opinion, I like a film on any actors whether that is a male or female.

1. Gender? Male
2. Age? 49
3. What is your favourite genre of film and why? Comedy - because it makes me laugh and happy
4. What's your favourite film from the genre you have chosen and why? 1941 - because it's an unusual subject matter for a comedy and it's a wacky film. Stephan Speilberg's only film that didn't make a lot of money and can be called a cult comedy because not many people have seen or heard about it.
5. What conventions do you look for in a film? Good storyline and particular actors and good book adaption.
6. Do posters and advertisements of a film influence whether you would go and watch it?
7. What age certificate do you watch the most?
    Don't look at the age certificate but if I had to choose, probably a 15
8. Does the actor / actress influence the films that you watch? Sometimes not always but I would watch a particular film if it had a good actor in it
9. What film genre do you avoid the most and why? Horror - don't understand the reason why people would pay money to make this film, people to watch this film in the scene that they could get scared from it
10. How important is the first 10 minutes of a film to you? Vital because if the first 10 minutes are boring I would switch it off (if I'm at home)
11. What do you think is the most effective way to advertise a film? Nowadays, social media
12. Are there any films that you can think of that have a memorable opening scene? Yeah, Saving Private Ryan, Rambo: First Blood
13. What are you opinions on female protagonists. I think it's good because there should be more movies with a good strong plot that needs a powerful female protagonists, especially in this male dominated industry.

1. Gender? Female
2. Age? 16
3. What is your favourite genre of film and why? Drama - because you'll never leave the cinema without feeling something
4. What's your favourite film from the genre you have chosen and why? Shawshank Redemption because after wards I was like "that was a good film" and it moved me.
5. What conventions do you look for in a film? Relaxing but also make you interested.
6. Do posters and advertisements of a film influence whether you would go and watch it? Yes, it needs to catch my eye.
7. What age certificate do you watch the most? 12 or 15
8. Does the actor / actress influence the films that you watch? 80% of the time, I won't be bothered to watch the rest of the film, but if I know someone is in it then I am more likely to watch it (Benedict Cumberbatch in Imitation Games)
9. What film genre do you avoid the most and why? Horror, they are scary and there isn't a story to it. they are all very typical and have the same plot really.
10. How important is the first 10 minutes of a film to you? Depends, if it's a film I want to watch, I'll continue. But if it's on the TV and the beginning is dull, then I am more likely to not watch it.
11. What do you think is the most effective way to advertise a film? Adverts on TV, reviews in magazines or newspaper.
12. Are there any films that you can think of that have a memorable opening scene? Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
13. What are you opinions on female protagonists. Love that more females are taking centre stage. And that they are great role models.

1. Gender? Female
2. Age? 20
3. What is your favourite genre of film and why? Romantic Comedies - because of their structure. they're aren't any surprises (especially films like Clueless). They're so easy to watch and I don't like films that demand your 100% attention, Rom-Coms don't do that. They tap into most people's basic desires, so you'll always know how they'll end. The characters are so desirable and you can relate to at least one of them. I like the predictability in films and Rom-Coms do that. 
4. What's your favourite film from the genre you have chosen and why? Love Actually - follows lots of stories that are brilliant on their own and it's a Christmas film, so best of the both worlds! Great cast, really funny writing and is put together really well.
5. What conventions do you look for in a film? Strong female lead and racial diversity. I want to hear female stories, black stories, stories from people who had previously never been able to tell their story.
6. Do posters and advertisements of a film influence whether you would go and watch it? Posters not really unless they're simple and eye catching like the new hunger games advert. Trailers in TV/YouTube sometimes influence what I watch. The new James Bond film does not interest me but I only want to see it for it's editing techniques.  
7. What age certificate do you watch the most? I don't really keep track of certificates. But I guess PG and 12s for Rom - Coms. But on average, 12/15 age certificates!
8. Does the actor / actress influence the films that you watch?  I'll watch anything with Mike Myers in and Tom Hanks has never made a bad film. But anyone could be in the film, it depends on the plot or not. I do have favourite actresses that I will look out for in films and support their work  though. Emma Stone, Meryl Streep and Viola Davis are my favourite actresses and they would definitely influence me to watch their films.
9. What film genre do you avoid the most and why? Films aimed solely and directly at men. For example, The Fast and Furious franchise. They have big, oily men with no acting talent with things blowing up in the background. and the women are always traditionally gorgeous and treated badly with hardly any screen time! 
10. How important is the first 10 minutes of a film to you? Very important especially now that films are available on platforms like Netflix. If the first ten minutes are not good, I'll switch it off and look for another because I'm not paying to watch it. Unless you are at a cinema where you've paid £10 so you have to continue. The last 10 minutes are important to cinema viewers but for me, it's definitely the first
11. What do you think is the most effective way to advertise a film? Putting the advert before a popular music video. Getting a high profile actor/actress to give extensive interviews on programmes like Graham Norton. In the end though, it comes down to individual preference so teams will have to tap into the most general, accessible desire of their audience.
12. Are there any films that you can think of that have a memorable opening scene? Quentin Tarantino does opening scenes so, so well. Se7en/Pulp Fiction/Reservoir Dogs etc. They are usually simple, don't have much to do with the plot, just setting the scene, lingering shots and there isn't much dialogue (generally). But they are the most memorable; the calm before the storm. He's notorious for it!
13. What are you opinions on female protagonists. All films should have one. All films should have a leading lady with quality line/screen time and she should be there for a purpose; not to be a pretty face. Films should be reflective of life, regardless of genre and you cannot escape women. You cannot simply not write them into your films. And not just privileged women: black, Asian, Hispanic. Racial diversity should be a requirement of every film, and issues about women tie in with issues about race. White women have different experiences to black women and both should be celebrated and highlighted in the media. Female protagonists, of any race, add something to a film that men fail to; hardship, courage, a passion. And films should incorporate that story, in one way or another.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Jennifer Lawrence's Essay

I think it's fair to say that Jennifer Lawrence slays the Hollywood life.
I read her essay on Tuesday morning (13th October) and I have never seen something so realistic towards females and their opinions.

“All I hear and see all day are men speaking their opinions, and I give mine in the same exact manner, and you would have thought I had said something offensive.”

It makes me sad that children look up to actors (and even myself) because they want the money or the Hollywood lifestyle but they don't know the struggle of getting a role or the pay check scenario. Her point states that she has been in a franchise, won the awards but is still underpaid than her male co-stars. Not only that, but in a recent interview, Sienna Miller turned down a role in a play because she was payed less than half of the male co-stars. I think it is great that someone has finally spoken about this industry and I'm elated that is was Jennifer Lawrence.

Furthermore, let me talk about one of THE greatest actors around: Meryl Streep. She originated these recent sexism talks last week promoting her film "Suffragette" which has spread to people around the world talking about their experiences with unequal pay. It's hard to believe that Meryl experienced less money than male co-stars. The recent interview shocked me when I watched it because it's hard to believe that productions like Sony (ergh) would under-pay her when she has the highest number of Oscar nominations and you can guarantee her performance will be outstanding and set your emotions running.

Overall, I think it's wrong this Hollywood lifestyle because personally, I don't think I've seen a raw, emotional performance from a male actor but it's probably because it comes from this stereotypical personality where they must be strong and dependent. However, you have Jennifer Lawrence in Silver Linings Playbook or Meryl Streep in The Iron Lady that have won an Oscar for these performances but are still here experiencing something people wouldn't imagine would happen in that industry. With that, it is disrespectful that women aren't allowed the same amount of money to their co-stars even in a female protagonist film. Finally, films can promote powerful messages to the audience but still can not promote equality behind the screen.

I'll leave this long post with the links to Jennifer's essay and Meryl's interview.


Coursework and Assessment Criteria




After seeing the ASDA George's storyboard of their advert from 2014, we then went onto another task; of drawing and creating your own storyboard for the very first time.

This was to the 1:52 clip of "Luther" Season 3, Episode 1.

This helped us see what we need to do for our coursework and how much detail we will need to put in before we go off and film.

Also, this made me realise that i should not be the artist of the group and let Jodie do the storyboard.

Friday, 9 October 2015

Our First Pitch

We have a few ideas but this last minute idea did get a green light from the class.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Review: Still Alice

Directed By: Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland
Starring: Julianne Moore, Alec Baldwin, Kristen Stewart.
Plot: A linguistics professor and her family find their bonds tested when she is diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease.

I have wanted to see this film for a while now after all the awards Julianne won for this character, Alice Howland. At the start, her life is perfect. Loving husband, loving family and a brilliant job with great success. And then you see it all go wrong. She starts to forget the little things you know she would remember. With that, you see the emotion Julianne brings into the character with her scenes with her husband (Alec Baldwin) when you see that it is getting worse. One of my favourite scenes is with her daughter, Lydia (Kristen Stewart). Although, all of their scenes together truly captivate the battle between mother and daughter fighting and helping the disease together. Also, another scene is Alice making a speech the Alzheimer's Association and how she has to highlight her lines off she doesn't have to keep repeating the same line. She acknowledges the struggle that people with this disease suffer with and how people in society treat them. "I am not suffering. I am struggling. Struggling to be a part of things, to stay connected to whom I once was"

This film is brilliant and shows everyone the struggle that people with Alzheimer's are facing. Julianne Moore really does give a brilliant, captivating performance.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Sound in a TV Drama or Film

Sound in the media can lead you to different emotions. Using a variety of sound techniques to entice you in and make you feel something you wouldn't feel while watching it.

Diegetic Sound
In this clip you see Jennifer Lawrence's character dancing and singing to a song that she is listening to on the radio or TV. This gives you a light hearted feeling that she is fun and dances to the radio but the song is metaphorically her situation throughout the film as she isn't aware of her husbands situations.

Non- Diegetic Sound
In this clip (unable to get on blog) from Episode 4 of Doctor Foster, the character Gemma Foster is going through a depressing stage in her life with her husband and job.
Timing of scene: 44:15 - 45:45.
Sound Effects: the pitch is low, setting us the scene whilst she is on the phone to her husband. The crescendo increases as she gets off the phone because it makes us question what is going to happen next.
Music: the music (score) over powers her as she gets off the phone while she is crying because it indicates what she is going to happen next on the beach and whether we should feel sad with her or angry!
Non - Diegetic to Diegetic: when she is in the sea, the camera shots are synchronized with the sound as we can hear what she is hearing (swimming and the waves). But also, when it is shot underwater, the score increases in pitch because the pace of it slightly increases and results into her drowning, when that finally takes over as the loudest sound (more powerful on us as viewers).

Dialogue and Voice Over
In Gone Girl, there is quite a few dialogues but this one stands out because it truly testifies that Amy Dunne is the crazy one who all along wanted to punish her husband. At this point, you feel sorry for Nick but her plan is so thought through you feel surprised that it actually went okay.

Monday, 28 September 2015

Filming Techniques

This is what we were asked to put on our blog. This video will/has helped me understand different techniques to create different moods.
This will definitely help us for our first project.

Editing Analysis

1. Shot Reverse Shot - Fault in our Stars

Shot reverse shot is used in this clip so that we can see both sides of the conversation. We can also see how each of the characters react to what the other person says. So we don't miss anything.

2. Split Screen - When Harry Met Sally

A split screen is used in this scene so that viewers can see both sides of the conversation at the same time, by splitting the screen into two, both in different locations, but at the same time. Other examples of split screens in films are 500 Days of Summer and The Virgin Suicides.

3.  Parallel Editing - Silence of the Lambs.

In this clip, we can see two different sets of action unfolding at the same time. One within the house, and one outside the house. Towards the end of the clip, we can see another set of action with Clarice. We are made to feel that the police are intercepting on the house of the Cannibal, but in actual fact it is Clarice who is outside the Cannibal's house. The effect of parallel editing is that all three events are linked together and it causes tension to build.

4. Montage - Big Hero 6

This film uses the montage technique to let us see the special powers of these different super heroes. This is highlighted by the fact that they had no belief in them being able to do this and their outcome has allowed them to have all these powers to beat whoever they are facing. This shows many things happening over a long period of time with music to create a great atmosphere.

5. Eye-line Match - Star Wars

This is used to show the view of what the character (Princess Leia) is looking at. This helps us see who she is oppossing against and wants to destroy. 

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Top 5 Opening Scenes.

The Usual Suspects Opening Scene Review.

The Usual Suspects Opening scene is so memorable because the music in the background leaves you interested to watch the rest of the film. Also, the production with the explosion just from a cigarette blows your mind!

Here's a countdown to my favourite opening 2-3 minutes films.

5. The Lion King

This is an interesting opening because the animation of the animals and African landscape help captivate the song. With that, the help of the stage work (the memorable stone rock) and the camera work make you realise there is not limit to animations like this. Finally, my favourite part of the scene is the cubs reaction to the rattle symbolises what children do with their toys and highlights that this is a family film about family.
4. Dark Knight

This is a memorable opening because Batman is the ultimate creature of the night but this first scene is during daylight and makes you question why they are robbing during daylight. This however, immediately hooks you and makes you continue to watch the rest of the film. With that, as each robber kills off the next robber this keeps you hooked in to who will be the last one standing, and it is of course the Joker (spoiler)
  3. What If

This indie alternative rom-com sets the scene right from the start as you see the streets of Toronto and sees two different sides of this potential love by fridge magnets. With the line "love is stupid monkeys dancing in a slapstick hurricane" it helps set his tone of love (at that moment) but is changed when this woman re-vamps the fridge magnets to "we are nothing but dancing light in the restless dream of a roasted pig". These metaphors tells us these different perceptions of love and how they come together at typical events like this scene setting (NewYears)

2. The Help

The opening to this film highlights the struggle of what life was like between white and black people. This maid, tells us her life and the reality of status class and sets the scene of how this film can develop. When the maid tells us her life from the beginning, it looks as if she is looking at the camera, drawing you in at what her life is like now-a-days: a struggle but reality.

1. Gone Girl

This is the most memorable opening scene and in my opinion my favourite. The simplicity of the town, makes you question how can something bad happen to such a quite town or is the town a perception that bad things happen hence why it's so derelict. Also, the first speech intrigues you into the relationship between Nick and Amy Dunne. "I picture cracking her lovely skull unspooling her brain, trying to get answers". It's the most memorable opening scene because the camera angle of the wife looks down on her, symbolising that she is vulnerable to her husband and isn't as powerful in this moment.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Review: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Directed by: David Fincher
Starring: Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara.
Plot: Journalist Mikael Blomkvist is aided in his search for a woman who has been missing for forty years by Lisbeth Salander, a young computer hacker.

It took me a while to get into the film. However, even the opening credits/titles were gruesome and made me realise that this film was going to be great.
My favourite character was the woman, Lisabeth because she had a strong female lead when she was fighting back her boss (maybe in the wrong way) but her determination to find what happened to this 'missing' girl was shocking! Every little detail from the both of them, looking through the evidence and finally finding out what happened to this Harriet.
The script and characters were so possessive in everything they do whether that was to find this girl or killing people, they never disappointed you!

Overall, I think this film was truly great and lived up to standard I was hoping for!

Monday, 21 September 2015


It's finally here!! Enjoy the awkward silence and our first idea for our AS coursework.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

My Media Background So Far

My favourite film is Mulan. It's directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook in 1998. It stars Ming-Na Wen and Eddie Murphy. It's my favourite film because it has a strong female lead in circumstances where she was not able to pursue being in the army. Also, the art of the figures and the Chinese culture are superb.

Also, my favourite actor is Jennifer Aniston. She can play a variety of roles but is always under-rated with her dramatic performances. With that, she is recognised in the comedy industry with her faultless performances in Bounty Hunter, Just Go With It, We're the Millers and of course Friends. Although she is known for her comedy films, she is under-rated in her dramatic performance, and in my opinion that is when a true actor can shine and define their versatility within the film industry.

When I was younger, my favourite and most memorable film is Austin Powers. Even though it is a bit worrying that I watched these films at such a young age, I never understood the rude jokes anyway!! Nevertheless, Mike Myers is a comedy genius. As a child I never watched anything else apart from the typical Disney films and comedies like this trilogy and I think that's why Comedy is my favourite genre. Due to the rudeness, I have grown up watching it more and more and I still laugh every time, maybe because I understand the jokes now! 

When I was thinking about my answers for this blog post, I never thought magazines would be the hardest decision. But then I realised, I didn't really read magazines religiously but I use to get sport magazines like Match of the Day.
Nowadays, I still don't read that many magazines, but if I see one, it's normally OK magazine or some celeb-crap nonsense. 

As much as Taken, Terminator and Forrest Gump have some of the most memorable lines in the filming industry, I wanted to stray away from comedy (shocker!!) and pick a simple but powerful line that relates to the main character, as he is unable to say his true identity to people that he loves. And this line can affect us all now in reality, adn we can see in the film that his power has overthrown him and causing his loved ones to get hurt.
My favourite line is "With great power, comes great responsibility" from the 2002 MARVEL blockbuster Spider-Man directed by Sam Raimi and starring Tobey Maguire, Kristen Dunst and William Dafoe. 

My favourite film location to live in would probably be in The Heat in Boston. This film stars Melissa McCarthy and Sandra Bullock. I would like to be in this film location because it is one of my favourite films and the camera truly captures the beautiful Boston scenery with the help of witty comedy and great performances from two amazing actors.

Most frequent website is probably Twitter but I guess it will be my blog now that I've taken Media?! Twitter is such a wide spread phenomenon in such a short amount of time and you can interact with people around the world, watch film trailers and unfortunately get the spoilers from your favourite tv shows!
The gadget I would like to own is my own professional camera because filming random scenes can be so fascinating.

FINALLY! the end and what a way to finish this off. The best opening to a film truly hits the descriptive context and entices you to carry on watching the rest of the film. The best opening to a film that I have seen is from the 2014 film directed by David Fincher "Gone Girl" starring Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike. The script is raw and the camera set up is simple but so rich in a true blockbuster film, truly wanting you to carry on watching.