Thursday, 17 September 2015

My Media Background So Far

My favourite film is Mulan. It's directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook in 1998. It stars Ming-Na Wen and Eddie Murphy. It's my favourite film because it has a strong female lead in circumstances where she was not able to pursue being in the army. Also, the art of the figures and the Chinese culture are superb.

Also, my favourite actor is Jennifer Aniston. She can play a variety of roles but is always under-rated with her dramatic performances. With that, she is recognised in the comedy industry with her faultless performances in Bounty Hunter, Just Go With It, We're the Millers and of course Friends. Although she is known for her comedy films, she is under-rated in her dramatic performance, and in my opinion that is when a true actor can shine and define their versatility within the film industry.

When I was younger, my favourite and most memorable film is Austin Powers. Even though it is a bit worrying that I watched these films at such a young age, I never understood the rude jokes anyway!! Nevertheless, Mike Myers is a comedy genius. As a child I never watched anything else apart from the typical Disney films and comedies like this trilogy and I think that's why Comedy is my favourite genre. Due to the rudeness, I have grown up watching it more and more and I still laugh every time, maybe because I understand the jokes now! 

When I was thinking about my answers for this blog post, I never thought magazines would be the hardest decision. But then I realised, I didn't really read magazines religiously but I use to get sport magazines like Match of the Day.
Nowadays, I still don't read that many magazines, but if I see one, it's normally OK magazine or some celeb-crap nonsense. 

As much as Taken, Terminator and Forrest Gump have some of the most memorable lines in the filming industry, I wanted to stray away from comedy (shocker!!) and pick a simple but powerful line that relates to the main character, as he is unable to say his true identity to people that he loves. And this line can affect us all now in reality, adn we can see in the film that his power has overthrown him and causing his loved ones to get hurt.
My favourite line is "With great power, comes great responsibility" from the 2002 MARVEL blockbuster Spider-Man directed by Sam Raimi and starring Tobey Maguire, Kristen Dunst and William Dafoe. 

My favourite film location to live in would probably be in The Heat in Boston. This film stars Melissa McCarthy and Sandra Bullock. I would like to be in this film location because it is one of my favourite films and the camera truly captures the beautiful Boston scenery with the help of witty comedy and great performances from two amazing actors.

Most frequent website is probably Twitter but I guess it will be my blog now that I've taken Media?! Twitter is such a wide spread phenomenon in such a short amount of time and you can interact with people around the world, watch film trailers and unfortunately get the spoilers from your favourite tv shows!
The gadget I would like to own is my own professional camera because filming random scenes can be so fascinating.

FINALLY! the end and what a way to finish this off. The best opening to a film truly hits the descriptive context and entices you to carry on watching the rest of the film. The best opening to a film that I have seen is from the 2014 film directed by David Fincher "Gone Girl" starring Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike. The script is raw and the camera set up is simple but so rich in a true blockbuster film, truly wanting you to carry on watching. 

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